Request for Resources

To request a deadline extension, at least 60 (sixty) days before its completion, the graduate student must submit a letter to the Coordinating Committee, accompanied by the following documentation:

PS: All  requests must be acknowledged by the advisor

  1. Request for an extension of the deadline for the defense of the research project: To request an extension of the deadline for the defense of the research project, as the Internal Regulations of the Postgraduate Program in Agroecology determines that it must happen until the end of the second academic semester, the graduate student must deliver, up to 2 working days before the meeting of the Coordinating Committee, a letter to the secretariat of our program, containing the signature of his/her advisor, with justification for the request and schedule. In addition to presenting a copy of the research project, even if not completed, in order to make it clear to the members of the commission in which the current situation is the development of its writing. And if it is for health reasons, present a report from the health professional.                                                             Model for requestion extension of the deadline for defense of research project
  2.  Request for an extension of the deadline to register the research project: To request an extension of the deadline for the registration of the research project, which, according to the Internal Regulations of the Graduate Program in Agroecology, is made up to thirty days after the start of the third semester, the graduate student must deliver, up to 2 working days before the meeting of the Coordinating Committee, a letter to the secretariat of our program, containing the signature of his/her advisor, with justification for the request, schedule. In addition to presenting the document that proves the submission of the project to the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings – CEP or the Ethics Committee for the Use of Production Animals at UFV – CEUAP and its progress on the platform. If it is for health reasons, submit a report from the health professional. Project registrations deadline extension request template
  3. Request for an extension of the deadline for the defense of the dissertation: To request an extension of the deadline for the defense of the dissertation, which according to the Internal Regulations of the Graduate Program in Agroecology determines up to 24 months after entering the course, the graduate student must deliver up to 2 working days before the Coordinating Committee meeting, a letter to the secretariat of our program, containing the signature of his/her advisor, with justification for the request and schedule. In addition to presenting a copy of the dissertation, even if not finished, in order to make it clear to the members of the commission in which current situation is the development of its writing. And if it is for health reasons, present a report from the health professional. Model request for extensionof dissertation defense deadline

To request financial assistance from the Coordinating Commission, the masters student needs to present a letter for the Coordinating Commission of the Graduate Program in Agroecology, signed by their adviser, accompanied by the following documentation:

  1. Request for assistance to pay for food, accommodation, travel and registration to participate in Events: To request the resource, it is necessary for the graduate student to present work in the event in first authorship, having his advisor or a professor of the Program as co-author . After approval of the request, the graduate student must present a copy of the proof of registration for the event, as well as the acceptance of the submission of the work, the summary of the work, his data (CPF, bank account) for the secretary to open the assistance process financial and for rendering accounts the certificate of participation in the event and/or presentation of works. In addition to presenting the notes or tax coupons (for food, accommodation, ticket) in the name of the student for every day that he is in the destination city. Under penalty of refund of money received.Note: For reimbursement of the road ticket, it must contain the name of the beneficiary. Reimbursement of airfare is not allowed.  Sample request for extension of financial aid to students for events           
  2. Request for assistance to pay for food, accommodation, ticket for data collection: To request the resource, it is necessary for the graduate student to present the schedule of their data collection on site, as well as their research project so that the Program Coordinating Commission will analyze the request. After approval, to open the process, the graduate student must present a description of the data collection, date, place, CPF and bank details of the beneficiary; in addition to including proof and description of the activities carried out (schedule). For accountability, the advisor’s report with the attestation of the data collection and also present the invoices or tax coupons (for food, accommodation, passage) in the name of the beneficiary for every day that he is in the destination city. Under penalty of refund of money received.Note: For reimbursement of the road ticket, it must contain the name of the beneficiary. Reimbursement of airfare is not allowed. Model requesting extension of financial aid to students for data collectionData collection activity execution report template
  1. Request for translation, revision and/or publication of an article: To request a translation or review service for an article or its publication, the graduate student or graduate must present a request letter specifying the journal and Qualis/CAPES – Agrárias I, signed by the advisor, as well as a copy of the complete article for the service. It will be sent to PPG for translation.
  2. Requesting reagents: To request the purchase of reagents, the graduate student or professor must present three quotes (on behalf of the advisor), as well as the purpose of the products.
  3. Laboratory analysis service request: To request this service, the graduate student must present three budgets (on behalf of the advisor), as well as the purpose of the analyses.


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia

Edifício Sylvio S. Brandão – 2º andar – Campus Universitário

CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG


Tel: (31) 3612-4448

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados