
The secretary’s office of the Graduate Program in Agroecology is located in the Department of Soils at the Federal University of Viçosa – UFV, Viçosa campus. Students in the program have a study room with internet, a computer and a subject library solely for the course, all for individual or group studies. The program  also has a projector and a laptop available to graduate students and teachers, in order to facilitate the scientific activities developed within the program.

All advisers in the program have a microcomputer connected to the internet in their office. All classrooms and some UFV laboratories have their own projectors and computers.

To assist in research, UFV provides access to CAPES journals, an academic research journal library, that allows graduate students access to scientific journals, even in the comfort of their own homes.

The structure of the Graduate Program of Agroecology is associated with the departments of Agronomy, Nutrition and Health, Soils and Animal Science, all of which have supported the program since its creation. The available research facilities are described below:

Department of Nutrition Laboratories (CCB II building):

  1. Experimental Nutrition Laboratory
  2. Laboratory of Health Surveillance and Nutritional Epidemiology
  3. Nutritional Assessment Laboratory
  4. Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory
  5. Vitamin Analysis Laboratory

The Department of Nutrition and Health also has eight laboratories equipped with supplies that permit the specific analysis of nutrients, develop studies related to human nutrition, perform sensory analysis of food/ preparations, study the human energy metabolism, and other subjects of study related to nutrition.

Department of Animal Science Laboratories (DZO building):

  1. Animal Laboratory
  2. Animal Bioclimatology Laboratory
  3. Forrage Laboratory
  4. Animal Nutrition Laboratory

In addition to these facilities, the Department of Animal Science utilizes various field sectors in Viçosa, and two other farms of UFV. One farm is 400ha, located in Brasilândia-MG. In cooperation with the Development Company of the São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys, this farm is designated for research and extension development for the Northeast of Minas Gerais, where an elite Nelore cattle herd is managed. The other farm is 100 ha, in Capinópolis-MG, where research for the Triângulo Mineiro  is conducted.

 Department of Agronomy Laboratories (DAA building):

  1. Seeds Laboratory
  2. Mineral Nutrition Laboratory
  3. Post-Harvest Laboratory
  4. Agroecology Laboratory

In the Department of Agronomy there are two areas of research specifically for Agroecology, located on the main UFV campus and in separate research areas in the Research Garden and Research Orchard.

The department currently has four (4) cold chambers, three (3) dry chambers and six (6) greenhouses. The department has 72ha of experimental field area within the municipality of Viçosa, 70ha in the municipality of Araponga-MG, 60ha in the municipality of Barbacena-MG, 30ha in the municipality of no Coimbra-MG, and 95ha in the municipality of Visconde do Rio Branco-MG. The department also has approximately 40ha in the Triângulo Mineiro Experimentation, Research and Extension Center, in Capinópolis-MG, and, approximately 80ha in the Florestal Agrarian Development Center, in Florestal-MG. These experimental field areas are all owned by UFV and cover several regions within the state of Minas Gerais.

Department of Soils Laboratories (DPS building):

  1. Plant Analysis Laboratory
  2. Soil Chemical Analysis Laboratory for Fertility Assessment
  3. Molecular and Atomic Spectrometry Laboratory
  4. Soil Fertility Laboratory
  5. Soil Physics Laboratory
  6. Geoprocessing Laboratory
  7. Organic Material and Agroecology Laboratory
  8. Laboratory for Land Use Planning Studies – NEPUT.


Get to know UFV’s Viçosa campus!

The Federal University of Viçosa’s main campus offers facilities such as banks, a hotel, WiFi, a school supermarket, a pharmacy, snack bars and restaurants, and stationary and copy shops, to serve visitors, employees, undergraduate students, undergraduate students living in the dorms, and graduate students, specifically offering  public services that are essential daily life. Within these facilities are: the University Restaurant, which offers subsidized meals to all students, School Insurance Coverage, the Student Health Center, Student Psychosocial Services, and the Sports and Leisure Division. For more information, visit the Dean of Community Affairs website.


Get to know UFV through Google Maps.



Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia

Edifício Sylvio S. Brandão – 2º andar – Campus Universitário

CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG

Email: pos.agroecologia@ufv.br

Tel: (31) 3612-4448

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados