
Recognition of the most downloaded article of the Annals of Applied Biology Journal

The article “Control of Brevicoryne brassicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with extracts of Agave americana var. Marginata Trel. in Brassica oleracea crops.” with the authors Adalgisa de Jesus Pereira, Irene Maria Cardoso, Hernane Dias Araújo, Felipe Carvalho Santana, Antonio Policarpo Souza Carneiro, Steliane Pereira Coelho and Franklin de Jesus Pereira, published in 2018 in the Annals of Applied Biology, has been recognized as one of the most read articles of the journal. 

There is recognition of works published between January 2018 and December 2019, the article was one of the most downloaded in the 12 months after online publication and the research generated immediate impact and helped to increase the visibility of Annals of Applied Biology.


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia

Edifício Sylvio S. Brandão – 2º andar – Campus Universitário

CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG


Tel: (31) 3612-4448

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