Important information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic
The Graduate Program in Agroecology has received miscellaneous consultations on important points regarding the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. As such, we would like to take the opportunity to highlight some points that have already been disclosed and clarify others, such as:
1) In-person graduate classes: Classes have been suspended indefinitely since March 16th, according to the CEPE Act 17/2020 ( [item 18]
2) Remote graduate classes: Classes will continue, as long as agreed between instructor (s) and professors of the course (s), and Program head. [item 17]
3) Distance learning and lato sensu courses: will continue to be offered, except for face-to-face activities, which will remain suspended. [item 19]
4) Research activities: non-face-to-face sessions are maintained and face-to-face meetings only if agreed between the teacher (s) and teachers involved, approved by the Program, and respecting social isolation guidelines. In the latter case, the emphasis is mainly on studies with living organisms.
5) Project defenses, qualifications, and dissertation and thesis defenses: These activities will be permitted, although at a distance.
(Ofício Circular nº 10/2020-DAV/CAPES;
6) Scientific Initiation and Graduate Scholarships: Scholarships will continue to be maintained, while prioritizing distance work. If this is not possible, activities must be agreed between those involved and always respecting measures of prevention / social distance. The accounting period for scholarships continues to proceed normally and there is no expectation for extension or granting additional months.
7) Deadlines for defenses and training completion (MS and DS): deadlines remain unchanged by CAPES. It is recommended that the student, together with theirs supervisor and Program head, review the work plan according to the current scenario and available possibilities.
8) Emission of N concept in research: it is the responsibility of the graduate programs and subject to the individual rules of the programs.
9) Forecast of return to classroom activities and calendar: There is no forecast as to when classroom activities will return, the school calendar will be discussed and reviewed by CEPE.
10) CAPES scholarship recipients abroad: CAPES has extended the scholarships scheduled to end in April by 30 days for the scholarship holders who are unable to return to Brazil.
(Ofício Circular nº 2/2020-DRI/CAPES;
11) Emergency assistance for CAPES scholarship recipients: There is no legal impediment to receiving aid, as long as it meets the criteria required by the Federal Government. However, it is recommended to consult the coordination of the Program.
(Ofício Circular nº 203/2020-GAB/PR/CAPES;
12) Scientific Initiation Bids: Bids will continue to happen as they are made available by funding agencies. They are and will be disclosed and the selection process will take place normally.
13) Graduate Selection Processes: Ongoing processes can be maintained or interrupted by confinement, provided they are done remotely. The graduate program selection process for the second semester can be maintained, provided that the process is done remotely during the period of confinement and social isolation. In this case, the Graduate Program needs to be notified to ensure quota booking procedures. The beginning of the second academic semester will follow a revised timeline. Enrollments can occur beforehand, but in conjunction with the graduate program and the School Registration office.