
II Agroecological and Cultural Caravan of the Zona da Mata Mineira

The 2nd Agroecological and Cultural Caravan of Zona da Mata Mineira took place from August 5th to 10th. Its objective was to promote the dissemination and socialization of the various agroecological experiences that occur in the territory. The Caravan left the municipality of Viçosa and was divided into 5 routes (these being the routes: Ana Primavesi, Margarida Alves, Neide Leal, Rosa Fortini and Vaninha) and visited several experiences in different micro-regions of Zona da Mata, culminating in the municipality of Espera Feliz. Some postgraduate students and graduates of the PPG-AGC accompanied the routes as rapporteurs and participants of the Caravan.


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia

Edifício Sylvio S. Brandão – 2º andar – Campus Universitário

CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG


Tel: (31) 3612-4448

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