Coffee with Agroecology
Coffee with Agroecology (Café com Agroecologia in Portuguese) is an extension project that began in January 2015, in which monthly meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month. The meetings aim to discuss multidisciplinary themes related to agroecology and promote socialization between the academic and local community, freely and with no prior registration needed.
The event is promoted by students and alumni of the Graduate Program in Agroecology of the Federal University of Viçosa with the support of professors in the program. Guests facilitating the discussion help promote the integration of society’s diverse peoples. The meetings currently take place in the hall on the 2nd floor of EBS (CCB II) (the building attached to the Department of Nutrition and Health of UFV), beginning at 6:30pm and ending at 8:30pm. In these meetings, the invited speaker leads a discussion regarding a theme predetermined by the members of the Coffee with Agroecology committee, through a multi-media presentation or through participatory methodologies, stimulating those present to participate in the discussion, so they can answer questions, make comments and trade experiences.
During these meetings, participants are offered fresh food, such as fruit and vegetables, accompanied by coffee or tea from family farming and solidarity economy enterprises. Food is bought from the Quintal Solidário, a solidarity economy and family farming market in Viçosa that occurs every Wednesday at ASPUV/ UFV headquarters.
Coffee with Agroecology values sociobiodiversity and strengthening of the local agri-food system. We ask those interested in participating in the meetings to bring their own mugs, to prevent the use of disposable cups and the consequent waste.
For more information, check out our social networks:
Photos of the events that look place:
E-book Coffe with Agroecology
Download the e-book free here: